Privacy Policy

Welcome to SecuriKey, a dedicated C# Windows program designed to identify exposed attack vectors of your Windows operating system. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data Collection and Use
In the course of using SecuriKey, we collect minimal data to improve your experience and to facilitate the functionality of our application. Specifically, we collect information about your Windows operating system version (e.g., Windows 10 or 11) and the aspects of Windows you are seeking to harden. This data is essential for interacting with the ChatGPT API to provide relevant assistance and responses.

Please note:
No user data is persisted after the application run. Once our application completes its operation, any identifying information about you or your computer is not recorded in any databases or logs. The sole purpose of collecting the mentioned data is to facilitate the specific services you request within our application. It is not used for any other purpose.

Data Protection
We take your privacy seriously and have implemented robust measures to protect your data:
All data transmissions are secured using SSL encryption, ensuring that your information is safe during its journey over the internet. We adhere to a strict policy of not persisting any data on our servers. Once the data has served its immediate purpose, it is not stored, archived, or analyzed.

GDPR Compliance
Our application is designed with GDPR principles at its core:
Data Minimization: We only collect data that is essential for the services provided by our application.
Purpose Limitation: We use the data solely for the purpose of enhancing your experience with SecuriKey.
User Rights: We respect your rights under the GDPR, including your right to access, your right to be forgotten, and your right to data portability.

Changes to Privacy Policy
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be communicated through our application's website or through a direct notification within the application. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or your data, please contact us.