How It Works

Non-Invasive Scanning

SecuriKey simplifies reducing the attack surface of Windows-based machines by analyzing the system for common misconfigurations and insecure defaults. SecuriKey provides recommendations on improving the security posture by generating an encrypted report or by using an integrated AI assistant.

SecuriKey never makes changes to your computer.

Security for Everyone

SecuriKey removes the technical jargon and makes security accessible. It provides easy to understand analogies to help educate and inform. Here is an example...

Windows Scripting Host (WSH) is Enabled!


Risk Justification
It's akin to leaving a ground-floor window unlocked in your house. While not as risky as leaving your front door wide open, it's still an unnecessary vulnerability that could be exploited if someone is determined enough to do so. It's best to lock it up if you're not using it.

Attack Vectors Analyzed

SecuriKey looks at various attack vectors and insecure defaults.
  • Powershell Execution Policy
  • Windows UAC Status
  • Windows Scripting Host (WSH) Status
  • Windows Guest Account Enabled
  • User Running with Elevated Privileges
  • BitLocker Enabled
  • Security Products Installed
  • Firewall Enabled
  • AntiVirus enabled
  • Remote Desktop Enabled (RDP)
  • Remote Desktop Using Weak Security
  • User is Missing Windows Updates
  • Windows Updates Automatically Applied
  • NTLMv1 enabled
  • SecureBoot enabled
  • SMB enabled
  • Vulnerable OpenSSL present (heartbleed)
  • PageFile encryption enabled
  • AutoRun enabled for removable media
  • Check for non-expiring passwords
  • Applications with Vulnerabilties Installed
  • Check for iexplore.exe as default its no longer supported
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux enabled
  • Check Windows password complexity policy is enabled
  • Check for unsigned drivers
  • Check for auto-connect to open, public wifi networks
  • Check if Internet Explorer is default browser (no longer supported)
Other checks coming soon!
  • Suspicious ports in use
  • WiFi using insecure protocol (WPA1, WEP)
