Download SecuriKey


Thank you for your interest in SecuriKey. Please be aware that this software is currently in its beta phase. While we have made every effort to ensure a stable and functioning product, there may be unforeseen issues or bugs.

By choosing to download and use this beta version, you acknowledge and accept that SecuriKey may not be fully polished and may contain unexpected issues. We welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve the product during this phase.

Please note that using this beta version is entirely at your own risk. We assume no responsibility for any data loss or damage arising from the use of this beta software.

Your participation and feedback in this beta phase are invaluable to us and we appreciate your support in enhancing SecuriKey.

We are aware that some anti-malware software flags SecuriKey as malware VirusTotal reports 2 of 70 checkers report positive for Trojan). This is due to behavior heuristics employed by anti-malware software. Because SecuriKey can behave like malware (scan your registry, read local/group policy settings, scan windows directories for files, etc), it is getting flagged. We are aware of the issue and are working on attempts to prevent this incorrect false positive.

Please Note: This beta runs on Windows 10, and Windows 11 PCs only.

SecuriKey.exe download has been disabled.

Verify the integrity of your download by checking its SHA-256 hash.

The current build of SecuriKey has a SHA-256 Hash of 537630018a4e49f2514b5cb5294d97b00319adf7d5f3b1981399177054a29ba1